‘The Pebble in my Shoe’ - Podcast

The ‘pebble in my shoe’ is an analogy for a niggle or inner knowing that becomes so insistent that we just have to pay attention. It is usually something that needs to change. We can ignore it only for so long and eventually have to stop to investigate it, listen to it and honour what it is telling us.

It becomes a catalyst for action to change something that no longer serves us. This can be something internal, like a belief or mindset. It can be about how we behave in certain situations or relationships. Or it can be something that changes our life trajectory, like ending a relationship, changing careers or even moving to live in a new place.

Taking the action and making the change invariably requires courage, often a leap of faith and at the very least, to try something new and outside of our comfort zone.

What ever the action or change happens to be, the ‘pebble’ ultimately moves us to live more authentically, more aligned with our true nature.

My intention for this podcast is to share with you stories with my guests that validate something you might have experienced and offer inspiration and hope if you too have a ‘pebble in your shoe’.