‘Grounded Connection’

What a beautiful morning!

First thing today, I went for a glorious walk with the dog. Nephin is a constant companion along the route I take. She sits so solid, regal and ancient.

It's only been four months since we moved to live in Mayo permanently. It takes time to settle into a new place doesn't it? We have to get used to the new place and people, but also connect energetically to the land.

We've planted several trees since we came here, as well as some fruit and flowers. The sweet peas are slow to bloom with the cold winds but they are coming now and I expect them to flower in a day or two now that the sun is warming up.

We have changed the landscape of the property, moved hedges and earth to open up the garden and laid foundations for the extension we are building onto our cottage.

My morning practice has adapted since we moved too, incorporating a lot of energetic grounding and visualising my roots going deep into the Earth. I performed a ceremony on the land, planted a rose bush in what felt like the centre of the property and set intentions for peace and serenity to grow here.

My spiritual guidance is consistently, 'Anchor the light where you are'. And so I connect with the 'Net of Light' and play my part in fortifying the light on our planet, with this place being my anchor point.

All these activities and practices help me to ground and grow my connection to the place I now live.

Nephin is reminding me today of the power of the Mindfulness practice to 'Sit like the Mountain'. The practice invites us to take on the attributes of the mountain, firmly connected with the Earth - actually part of the Earth!, Knowing that weather can ruffle our surface, but not our core being. I can fortify my energy field by embodying the virtues of the mountain and this is helping me navigate the adjustment to my new home.

No matter our circumstances, or what we are navigating, practices and intentions that ground us, deepen our connection in every way - to ourselves, to people, places and things - physically, energetically and spiritually.

So my intention this week is to take time every day to 'Sit Like the Mountain' and deepen my grounded connection to County Mayo!

Thanks for sharing the journey with me.

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‘Life Threads and Patterns’


Leaning into Intentional Living