Leaning into Intentional Living

Its amazing the difference really leaning into intuitive messages can make. With practice we can learn to hear the guidance, and its a whole other practice to heed it!

This day last week, my chest was tight with pressure. I took some time to explore what was going on, what was beneath my discomfort.

One of the insights that arose was how much the programming of productivity has been my default. 

While editing this weeks episode of the podcast, I was reminded over again of the reasons I embarked on this journey of solo entrepreneurship. It isn't to work every hour that's sent, or have pressure and deadlines to meet. It is to honour my sense of purpose and desire to live a soul led life.

Not surprising that the episode is titled 'Toxic Productivity'!

Today, I feel calm and receptive, having been gentle with myself. Easing back, instead of pushing ahead has naturally opened up space, both within and around me, making room for inspiration and fresh ideas.

I'm now enjoying the process of leaning into the intentions I have for myself, to continue to honour the 'pebble in my shoe' that guided me to this place in the first place!

So today, I'm blessed to be extending our weekend visiting family, by spending time with my lovely hubby on our first wedding anniversary, in our campervan, making a road trip out of shopping for windows for our new home! 

This is the stuff we want for ourselves. To get busy living! We love being together and so we are designing our lives so that happens as much as possible!

Living my practice and integrating with my work feels right.

So thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey.


The Daisy Coaching Hub Blog