‘Living in Abundance’.
The last episode of The Pebble In My Shoe podcast was about money mindset and it aligned with other things arising in my life. This has allowed me revisit abundance and in my personal practice.
Living into the subject of my work brings me greater meaning.
I remember a time in my life, I was a young mum, my husband at the time had had a motorcycle accident and wasn't able to work for a while. Money was tight. And yet, I recall a particular week that we ate like kings! A friend who worked on a fishing trawler as the cook gave us a box of groceries that were going to spoil if not used because the boat had broken down ahead of their planned trip. It contained among many things, several sirloin steaks! Another person we knew was a lobster fisherman and he gave us a couple of undersized lobster. We were also given a very large, fresh turbot.
All this to say that money wasn't the root of this abundance, but rather friendship and generosity.
Along my journey of personal growth, I have been proactive in examining my beliefs. There was a lot of dogma in my family of origin, and wealth was portrayed as shallow.
I remember as a small child being deeply conflicted, because there were people in our life whom I really liked, but because their lifestyle fell into the category of 'wealthy', they weren't aligned with the family values. Austerity was deemed healthy.
As an adult, it took some time to sift through the beliefs that I had inherited, especially around abundance, and to begin to develop my own that support, nurture and energise me.
Both somatic and gratitude practices that Mindfulness offers have gone a long way to support my growth in this area. By embodying abundance, it has alleviated my fear of lack; helped me appreciate everything I have, instead of longing for what I haven't got; and completely reversed the beliefs I held that 'wealth is shallow'!
When I say embody, I mean just that, holding my body in a posture that feels completely supported, nurtured and energised. The opposite of these are the feelings of isolation, lack and exhaustion. Using affirmations that align with trusting that I am fully provided for in ways I can't even imagine.
(I could never have predicted that I'd eat steak at a time I could barely make the rent!)
I recently left a public service job that had really good pay and conditions, a pension plan, full time and permanent. I enjoyed my job but I enjoy coaching more and so I made the decision to make the change. It wasn't a decision I made lightly, but what emerged strongly for me was that the fear I felt around leaving the job was attached only to the financial implications.
When I acknowledged the fear and leaned back into believing that we manifest our own abundance, I immediately felt ease. If a thought initiates fear, it really isn't serving us in any helpful way.
The 'A' and the 'S' in the D.A.I.S.Y Framework are for 'Appreciation' and 'Showing Up'. If we can practice appreciation and gratitude for what we already have, and show up with both generosity and receptivity, the Universe always responds with abundance.
Bless the money you spend. Spend time in awe of the abundance in nature. Count all the marvellous things in your life. Give thanks for your senses that witness it all.
What you focus on grows and where thought goes, energy flows!
Embody abundance and watch your life transform!
Thank you for joining me on this journey.
Warm wishes
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