‘Standing in my Truth’ and other aspirations!

I'm really enjoying this space to share my personal practice with you.
It's something I have drawn on to inform my work for the longest time, but there seems to be another level when I share it publicly.

Instagram is a platform I am using to grow my business. It has opened up all sorts of opportunities to learn new skills and experiment with how I share a message.

I'm told that my Instagram profile is like a shop window for the Daisy Coaching Hub. On it I state, 'Live Mindfully', ' Stand in your Truth', and 'Own your Power'!

One of my core values in Integrity. So how do I show up with integrity in all these ways if I'm espousing them to others?

I guess these aspirations can be quite broad. We can live mindfully, stand in our truth and own our power in some ways, and not in others it seems.

At the moment, living mindfully is about tuning in to my inner voice daily and not only listening to the guidance I hear, but heeding it too. Doing this allows me to take action that is mindful in the sense that it is deliberate and discerning, while also being intuitive. This is important for me.

Then comes 'standing in my truth' and what's arising is how much we change over time and how different I feel how compared to even a year ago. 2024 has brought some amazing shifts for us all and I don't think I know anyone who hasn't had some kind of seizemic shift in their lives on some level. So it feels like a whole new truth of who I am is being revealed to me through the choices I am making.

So how do I own my power? This is to a large degree about taking ownership of my 'stuff' and responsibility for my responses to events ( and other people). My power lies in the ability to have clear and healthy boundaries; to make choices that support, nurture and energise me; and to be willing to learn how to navigate relationships while remaining true to my values.

Sounds grand doesn't it?…

…Until you are met with the stuff other people ‘bring to the party’, and I scratch my head after saying something totally unaligned with who I think I am, or want to be!

So this pursuit of living authentically isn't about aspiring to be peacful and calm at all times, but rather to accept the messy reality that this stuff is hard to wade through.

Standing in my truth then is accepting that my programming is still very much driving the bus most of the time, and when I show up for myself everyday in my practice, I am giving myself a better chance of navigating the road with at least a little more grace than if I didn't go within at all.

I look forward to reading the entries in my journal from this month, when I do my annual review at new year! That's when the real insights will land I suspect.

Here’s wishing you lots of opportunities for reflection on your own take on what it is to ‘Live Mindfully’, ‘Stand in your Truth’ and ‘Own Your Power’.

Thanks for your company along the way.

Warm wishes

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‘Living in Abundance’.